Sunday, September 28, 2014

Happy 5th Birthday Reid!

Dear Reid Philip,
I am having such a hard time with you growing up.  I'm not sure why.  I don't know if it's your sweet dimple that you've had since you were a baby, that I hope you never, ever lose, or that I know next year you will be headed off to Kindergarten (what??), or just that you have such an endearing heart. Either way, I'm in a little bit of denial, although, there are a few tantrums/whining moments I'll be happy to see in the rear view mirror.
You just continue to be such a sweetheart.  You truly have a heart the strives to please others and let others know how much you love them.  Your sweet compliments, everyday, of how beautiful mommy is priceless, and you always talk about how cute Cade is and how Luke is your best friend. And there is nothing you'd rather do than play video games with Daddy.  You love your friends too, and I never have to convince you to go to a playdate.
Some of your favorite things are: making and eating brownies/cookies, playing video games, reading, learning, racing outside, getting dressed up and acting out crazy movies with your brothers, playing with Legos and making "books" (which consists of a LOT of stickers and markers).
You have still had some struggles in the eating department, but we're doing our best to improve that. Thank goodness for crescent and cinnamon rolls.  We should buy stock in Pillsbury.  And Chuys, which you refer to as "The Best Restaurant Ever".
You are definitely a thinker and often times we will catch you pondering something and then asking a lot of questions or telling us your latest revelation.  You love school and are excited to learn, especially with friends.  You are still having speech therapy once a week, but you are growing leaps and bounds and hopefully will meet all of your goals soon.
We are head over heels smitten by you and you are the perfect younger brother to Luke and big brother to Cade.  Almost like the middle to an Oreo cookie.
Happy 5th Birthday Reid!
We love you extra special!
Mommy and Daddy

You wanted a Super Mario birthday party at the pool...done!

This is your first season playing soccer, and you love it!

You received the Sportsmanship Medal for showing respect!

So sweet!  I find you asleep like this alot.  Or buried under all your blankets.

Quite the sense of humor.

Doing one of your favorite things: making books.

Another of your favorite things: going to the movie theater

Monday, September 01, 2014

Back 2 School 2014

This was a big year for the Moshell family.  Because for the first time in 7 years ALL our kids are going to be in school.  What that means is two whole mornings a week that mommy had all to herself without her little helpers.

Luke is headed to Norton Elementary with Ms. Lehman.  He is so excited because his good friend Jaydon from last year is also in his class.

An extra special letter from The Horton Family encouraging and praying over his 2nd grade year!

2 Cool 4 School

Reid is back at First Baptist Allen for his last year of preschool.  His teacher is Ms. Renee and I have no doubt she will be great getting him ready for Kindergarten.  Bonus is that best friend, Ethan is in his class!

Cade is also going to First Baptist Allen. His teachers are Ms. Ember and Ms. Kym.  He is mostly excited about school, but drop off was a little sad.  He has only had one rough day since school started, so I'll take it!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Betty "Mimi" Dawson

We lost our dear, sweet Mimi, Betty Dawson Osborn,suddenly Friday in a one-person automobile accident. While we are still stunned and saddened, our hearts are comforted knowing she is in Heaven, with our Savior, Jesus Christ. Those who were blessed to know her can attest that she loved having fun with friends and fiercely loved her family. I’m so thankful our three boys got to know their great-grandmother, and they enjoyed many hugs and lots of moments of silliness with her. I have such fond memories of getting to spend Saturday nights at her house and getting to dress up, then being spoiled with Mickey Mouse pancakes and chocolate milk in the morning. And the spoiling didn't stop, even as adults, she loved to spoil all her kids. The Lord has shown us so many blessings during this loss: She had a quick and painless departure from this world, her accident didn't harm anyone else, her family was already gathered together at the time of the accident when it happened and she unexpectedly was able to spend three weeks with my mom and dad this summer just visiting and enjoying each other. These are just a few that come to mind, and it blesses my heart to see God’s faithfulness and love in a time of loss and pain. She loved Jesus and knew He was the way to spend eternity in God’s glory. And now she is with Him and I have no doubt that her beautiful alto voice is singing His praises.
2 Timothy 4:7-8
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.”
John 17:3
“And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.”

This was her obituary:

Betty Lee Dawson, 71, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, passed away Friday, August 29, 2014, in an auto accident near Paoli, Oklahoma. Funeral services will be on Thursday, September 4, 2014, at 1:00 p.m. at Don Grantham Funeral Home Chapel with Pastor Roger Sims officiating and assisted by Pastor Clyde Quick. Interment will follow at Resthaven Memorial Gardens under the direction of Don Grantham Funeral Home. There is no visitation scheduled. Betty Lee Dawson was born on May 11, 1943, in Comanche, Oklahoma, to Leroy Hill and Lorene (Roach) Hill. Betty was a graduate of Fox High School. She worked as an Administrative Secretary for the Saint Francis Health Systems and Warren Clinic in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Betty enjoyed music and singing gospel hymns. She was an avid reader and enjoyed, playing Bunco, and board games. Most of all she loved to visit her family and play with her great grandchildren. Betty is survived by her three sons, James Greenwood and his wife Michelle of Round Rock, Texas, Tracy Greenwood of Midland, Texas, Pete Dawson of Tulsa, Oklahoma; sister, Bunny Lee and her husband Larry Lee of Davis, Oklahoma; two grandchildren, Ashley Moshell and her husband Ross of Allen, Texas, Scott Greenwood of Dallas, Texas; three great grandsons; Luke Moshell, Reid Moshell, and Cade Moshell; ex-husband, Keith Greenwood. Also survived is the family of Jack Osborn. Additionally she is survived by nephews, nieces, cousins, and "Aunt Rusty". Betty is preceded in death by her second husband Richard Dawson; and third husband Jack Osborn; and her parents, Leroy and Lorene Hill. Pallbearers for the service will be James Greenwood, Tracy Greenwood, Pete Dawson, Ross Moshell, Scott Greenwood, Wes Lee, and John Lee. Honorary pallbearers will be David Lee, Robert Lee, Garrett Lee, and Wyatt Collins.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Summer Fun 2014!

We love summer around here!  And it's not just the lazy mornings.  It's the swimming, playing with friends, seeing family, going on adventures, playing with friends, sleepovers and did I mention playing with friends?
It was a great summer and we were sad (but ready, does that make sense) for it to end.  

Going on an "adventure"

Not a real gun, but don't tell him that.

There is a lot of dress up (and dress down, see background) during the summer.

And a great way to end the summer is a most excellent trip to Legoland!

End of School party

Lunch at Wild About Harry's with these guys!

Luke and Reid's paintings from Art Camp

Hands on at the Perot Science Museum

Monday, August 04, 2014

San Juan-a Have Some Fun?

Ahhh!  The beach!  We were finally able to work out a trip with BFF, Heather, and her hubs, Scott.  We have been trying to do this forever, and after they made the move back to Midland (note: stress), we figured what better way to detox.  So off we went to Puerto Rico, San Juan to be exact.  We missed our other partners in crime (Holly & Daniel), but it just gives us more reason to plan another trip quickly.
We stayed at the beautifully amazing Ritz Carlton and not only was it gorgeous, but the service was above and beyond.  Like they gave us papaya bellini's when we arrived.  We seriously did not want to ever leave.  We planned a few excursions, but a lot of beach time.  The weather was perfect, and the company even better.
It was a trip for the books and I hope to make it back there soon!
Getting ready to take off.  It was soooo early!

We finally made it to the beach!

We visited the old Fort in San Juan which was actually beautiful and interesting.  Who knew how strategic the location of Puerto Rico was to protection the other Caribbean islands? Not me, until now.

Old San Juan

Puerto Rico's signature dish is Mufongo.  It's awesome!  It's mashed plaintains, that are then fried and served with steak and a garlic butter sauce.  Yes I'll have more!

This guy was on the side of the road on our way to the rainforest.  Because horses just hang out on the street in Puerto Rico.

The beach on the way to the rainforest.

Our hike through the rainforest to the waterfall.  We were a little under impressed by the size, but it was pretty.  And crowded!

Everyday they had fresh flower arrangements all over the hotel. I loved them!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Happy 2nd Birthday Cade!

Happy Birthday Sweet Cade!
Two has really snuck up on us, but what a fun year it's been!  I have to say you truly are full of fun, mischievousness and lots of joy! Daddy and I always say your love language is touch because you are always in need of a good hug or snuggle, or just want to sit as close as possible (read: on top of) to us.  And we love it!  We did learn this year you are a screamer if things aren't going your way, which tends to happen with two older brothers, but you are quickly diverted, or if needed seem to respond well to time out.  I know that's not going to last for long, so I'm taking it while I can get it.
Some of your favorite things to do are play trains, read books, play at the park, swim, play with friends (especially Travis and Ethan), and "fight" (which means light sabers and chasing after your brothers).  Your favorite foods are goldfish, cinnamon rolls, spaghetti, pizza, chicken (you have mastered the fork and dip) and brownies.  You are still drinking coconut milk and prefer it over water.  Some of your not-so-favorite things are loud noises (like the garbage truck), being alone and time outs.  Naturally.  
We are so blessed to have you round out of family of five Cade.  You are the perfect fit and bring so much happiness to our family.  Our prayer is that you share that happiness and love with others as you show them Christ. 
Happy Birthday you big two year old!  We love you!
Mommy and Daddy

You can spend hours playing trains.

You are all about dressing up...and down. 

Wolf Cub

Showing off your ninja skills

Cutest Little Brother I know!

Bring on the spaghetti!

Your 2nd Birthday party which was based on "Frozen's" Olaf.  The theme was Fun In The Sun, and you had tons of fun.  So much so, I didn't get hardly any pictures!

Your best buds!