Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Halfy Birthday Cade James!

Baby boy is 6 months old and I don't know what to do with myself!  While I am absolutely head over heels about this sweet baby, he is growing so fast, I know it's going to be a blink of an eye before he's as big as his brothers.  He is at such a fun, fun stage!  In honor of his 6 month milestone, here at the Top Six Facts about Cade James:
Messy Baby loves food!
1. He loves to eat!  He is doing really well with his baby food and we've moved into larger baby food cups because he was eating two at a time!  His favorite food is pears, but he's also eating applesauce, blueberries, carrots (another fav), sweet potatoes (not so much), squash and peas (ehhhh, he could live without these).  He also devours Mum-Mum's, which Luke never had, but were a big hit with Reid.  He also has a bottle every four hours during the day and at his dream feed with Daddy.
2. He has started taking longer naps! Yay!!  He usually takes two long naps and gets a short, little catnap in (usually in the car while we're running errands).  He's such a trooper for being on the go all the time and by 7:30PM is ready for bed.  He usually wakes up at 7:30AM.
3. He's a talking up a storm.  Or to him he is. :) He also likes to growl, so he's adopted the nickname "Simba."

Cade with Pawpaw Hill - Davis, OK

4. Cade got to meet his Great-Great Grandparents, Pawpaw and Granny Hill for the first time.  Not many people have a Great-Great Grandparent and are part of 5 living generations, so it was a special moment.  Also, a lot of Cade's features remind me of Pawpaw which is interesting, because his middle name "James" is after him.
Cade being held by Uncle Ryan for his first snow.
5. Cade got to have his first Christmas and first snow on the same day.  I'd say a White Christmas is a good way to start out.
6. He moved from the bath sling into the full fledged bath chair.  This allows for a lot of splashing fun, and not to mention you get to take a bath with your older brothers.

We just love you to pieces sweet boy and are so enjoying watching you grow!  Halfy birthday to you!

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