Friday, April 26, 2013

Cade is moving and shaking at 10 months

Our little man is getting so big, so fast.  He crawled for the first time on Saturday, April 6 to the IPad while we were face-timing with Nana and Papa.  I guess it was good incentive for him to move their way.  He also got to make a road trip to Houston with the rest of the family.  We stayed in a hotel together while were visiting our dear friends the Reeds. They are due to have a sweet baby boy any day now. All three kiddos did amazing on the trip!
Our little man continues to have four bottles a day (around 7 to 8 ounces each), and three meals.  He's also gotten to where he really likes Pirate Booty, Goldfish and Veggie Straws.  You know, snacks, who doesn't love those.
Some of his favorite things to do are to play patty-cake and peek-a-boo!  He also loves opening doors, especially the pantry door and pulling everything out.  I seem to remember this being the case with two other boys in this household.
Happy 10 months Cade!

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