Sunday, October 28, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday Reid Philip!

Dear Reid,
It's so strange for me that you are turning 3 years old.  Maybe it's the transition of adding a baby to the family and you becoming a big brother over the past 3 months, or maybe it's because it seems like last week we were headed to the hospital in the middle of the night because you were ready to make your entrance into the world.  Either way, I'm so thankful and happy to celebrate you turning 3 years old.  In your mind you think you are turning 6, but hold your's not quite ready for you to grow up so fast.
You are boy through and through, and love to have fun with your big brother.  Although you two have your moments, mostly it's lots of giggles and rough and tumble time.
It's been a big year for you.  Your first broken bone, you started preschool and you became a big brother.  We learned some things you really enjoy this year like swimming (watch out Michael Phelps!), going to the movie theater, staying in hotels (who doesn't like this one), going to see friends (and having friends over) and playing with all your "bad guys".  Some things you don't enjoy as much are taking naps (down to two or three a week), eating most foods and drinking milk (you gave that one up after a nasty stomach bug) and not getting your way (true to two year old form).  You started speech therapy this summer before your third birthday and it has been a big help in encouraging you to use more words, as well as help us better understand your words when you say them.  You really enjoy the one on one time with your therapist, which doesn't surprise me, because one of your favorite things to do is curl up with a good book. Especially if mommy or daddy are reading it to you.  I can already see your love of books and how you get lost in them and I love it!
We certainly have had our tough moments this year.  I really think some of it is that desire of independence, but being two years old.  You just have a really had time if things don't go your way, or if you don't want to go along with others.  We are working through the whining, but I know you'll get it.  :) You have such a sweet heart though and it's shown most to your brothers.  You love to "pat" Baby Cade and sweetly give him your lovey when he's sad.  And you are always quick to apologize and give a hug to Luke when amends need to be made.  It's so sweet to me how much you love playing with Luke and look forward to hanging out with him.  I'm sure there will be days when that's not the case, but I hope in the long run, that you two remain such good buddies.
You are such a joy and bring such a smile to our faces each day.  It's so fun getting to see how big you are and how your personality is totally your own.  You love to have a great time and love to smile and laugh.  I'm eternally grateful to have you sweet boy as our own and love you extra special!
Happy 3rd Birthday Reid Philip!
Mommy and Daddy
Sweet kisses for your baby brother.

Best Buddies

Standing through the sunroof in the car.


The lashes.  They kill me.

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