Wednesday, June 26, 2013

1 Year Old

His last night before he turned 1.
Our littlest man turned one year old.  While I'm so excited to see how he grows cuter and smarter and sweeter everyday, my heart aches just a little for that teeny babe snuggled in the crook of my arm.  He has had a busy 12th month, but it has been really fun!  Here are his top twelve at twelve months:
1. This sweet darling threw hit first fit.  He was so upset.  I'm just not sure what at.  We were sitting in the playroom and he just kept throwing toys, yelling at them, and crawling over to them and throwing them again.  He was plain mad and frustrated.  Needless to say we moved onto a new room and tried to settle down.
2. He started walking with his walker.  He loves getting around and looks back to make sure you're watching how good of a job he's doing.
3. He said "Bye-Bye".  He especially loves to do this when I get off the phone and then when he has his phone as he's getting off.
4. He also started saying "Uh-oh" but only when he's repeating you after he's dropped or thrown something.
5. He is a really big fan of all fruit so far, including watermelon, peaches, bananas, strawberries, grapes and oranges.  He do not like cold things like ice cream or yogurt.  I bet he comes around though.

Still loves his bottle!
6. We stopped formula and made the switch to whole milk.  However, he was having a hard time tolerating it (as in lots of dirty diapers), so we moved to a transition formula half of the time and whole milk half of the time. I think his system just needs a little more time to adapt.
7. He also started taking one short nap a day, but still keeps the long afternoon nap.  This frees up our mornings a lot more and actually he usually takes his morning nap as we're running errands.
8.  He gave up the bath seat in the bathtub.  It was so helpful, but he was starting to pull himself out and lean over too far.  He LOVES being out in the open tub, and for the most part stays sitting down.
9. Speaking of water, Cade loves all things splashing around.  We went to the splash park and he was all over the place.  He loved it!  And at the pool he doesn't want to waste his time in the pool float, he would rather be "swimming" in your arms.
First haircut.  He wasn't too sure, but no tears!
10.  He got his first haircut.  His made me the most sad because I loved how it curled under at the bottom.  But Daddy said it looked too much like a mullet, so we had it trimmed up.  Not too much though, I still want him to look little.
Playing on the couch.

11. His favorite things to do right now are go outside and play and sit on the couch.  We take the couch cushions off and he uses them to climb up to the base of the couch.  He thinks he is so big and loves it!
12. Lastly, he's learned the head shake side to side.  I don't know for sure if it's the "no" sign, but he's smiling the whole time, so we just tell him he's silly.
What a great month and an even better year! We love this little man to the moon and back!!

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