Thursday, June 27, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday Cade James!

Cade James
Happy birthday my sweet little blue eyed wonder! What a blessing you are to our family each and everyday, not just on your birthday!  You are simply one of the happiest babies I know and I'm so glad you're ours.  What a whirlwind year it's been.  I've tried to soak up each tiny moment and milestone as best I could, because I've learned from your big brothers, it really does go fast. 

 You will always be my baby, but also "baby Cade" to your brothers.  Sorry about that one.  They have loved getting to hold you, make you laugh and climb into your crib with you.  They have NOT loved your dirty diapers or crying.  Reid always says "he needs his mommy!".  And Luke is always most helpful to get me a diaper to change you when needed.  
You adore them though, but not near as much as you long to be with your dad.  He is your best bud hands down and you light up anytime he comes in the room.  Everyday when he comes home, you are quick to go to him and help him take his shoes off and just sit and smile.  It's so sweet!  And you love your video game time with him, complete with your own controller. Maybe in a couple of years he'll actually turn it on for you.

Sweet Brothers
You are a great eater and really busy.  Maybe that's why you eat so much, to fuel you're constant moving.   We have such a great time with you and have cherished our "last baby" as we know this is it! It's fun though to look forward to what we can do know as a family without an infant (and all it's gear) in tow.  You made our last year as parents to a baby so blessed and special.  Our prayer is that you know as special as you are to both of us, you are infinitely treasured by God and we pray that you know early on in life how much He loves you and wants to share His love with you forever.  You are a true gift to us and we are eternally grateful God chose us to be your parents.  Happy 1st birthday Cade James, we love you extra special!
Mommy & Daddy

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