Sunday, May 26, 2013

Cade's Top Ten at 11 Months

He loves the swings at the park.

I didn't have a Top Ten for Cade's 10 months, but I certainly do for his 11 month. We have been so busy, and so has our little man as he counts down to his first birthday. Without further ado...

10. Along with being an excellent crawler, Cade has become an excellent climber.  With that we had to put the gate at the bottom of the stairs as he loves to climb anything possible.
9.  He also like to hang out in front of the refrigerator when it's open and the dishwasher.  I'm hoping this is a good indicator he wants to help me in the kitchen.

Mommy's little helper
8. This boy loves his music and loves to dance and clap his hands to the beat.  His face lights up and I love that he already enjoys it so much.
The shopping cart cover he pulled himself out of.   
7. On a sad note, Cade has his first big boo-boo.  While shopping with mom at Hobby Lobby, Cade pulled himself and his grocery cart cover (while buckled in), out onto the shelves all the way to the floor.  It was terrible, but thankfully no lasting injuries.  He did have a bruise on his head for a couple of days.  That was not our favorite day.
His first boo-boo
6. Onto a more positive note.  Cade is really starting to love driving his cars around.  He is all boy and this is just another way it shines through.
5. He has found himself a throne of sorts.  We have a Pottery Barn Anywhere chair we got Luke for his first Christmas.  Well, Mr. Cade has adopted this as his personal lounge chair and literally lounges in there quite a bit.  I think he feels so big getting in and out of it.

4. Our little big man has finally started holding his own bottle.  He was in no hurry for this, but we can now buckle him in his chair and hand him a bottle and he takes care of the rest.
3. Bath time is one of his favorite times of day.  He gets so excited when we start drawing the water and immediately pulls up to the bathtub.  He would stay in there for hours if we would let him.
Bathtime cutie
2. Our happy go lucky guy has started developing separation anxiety.  It doesn't seem as quite as bad and Luke and Reid's was, but about half of the time he's dropped off he will cry.  It's so sad.  I know in just a few minutes he will be fine, but it isn't fun for him or me.
Brotherly Love
1. This is a biggie.  Our sweet, darling, angel baby threw his first fit.  It was hilarious!  I can't even remember if it was over a single thing, or if he was just tired and worn out.  Either way, he was screaming (not crying so much) and laying himself all over the floor.  I just had to laugh at the dramatics and also just at the surprise of him throwing one since he's so happy most of the time.  Let's just hope it's the last one for awhile.

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